And though She is but Little, She is Fierce - by Adriana Garcia
My journey began when I was 12 and my twin sister and I had a doctor's appointment with our pediatrician to get our 12-year-old shots to...
Turner Syndrome will Challenge You by Rebecca Niemy
I should consider myself lucky, and I am. I’m incredibly lucky. I made it to the other side, which is a miracle to begin with. So yes,...
This is an Amazing Community! by Aleah Heffron
Hi, my name is Aleah. I’m a 19-year-old woman with Turner syndrome (TS). I was born in a small town in Michigan called Battle Creek. I...
Find Those Who Love You for Who You Are by Tracey Costes
My TS story will always be linked to a birthday. Have you ever had a birthday where, due to things out of your control, it doesn’t go as...
I'm Living Proof that We can Live Full and Vibrant Lives - by Madison Falvo
My name is Madison Falvo, and I am 20 years old. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at birth when my doctor noticed my size and my...
Butterflies are Warriors! by Tatiana Barrera
Hi! My name is Tatiana, and I am a TS butterfly! I was diagnosed at birth. My pediatrician noticed my hands and feet were swollen and...
Asking for Help is Self-Awareness Skill - by Chandler Isom
Hello! My name is Chandler Isom. I am 24 years old, and I have mosaic Turner syndrome (TS). I was diagnosed at 18 months old. I am a...
There Is So Much More Under the Scary - by Ellie Geppert
Hi! I’m Ellie. I’m 16, a sophomore in high school, and was diagnosed with classic Turner syndrome (TS) at birth. If you’re someone who’s...
TSSUS Board Member Spotlight, Introducing Jeanna Lee – TSSUS Board Chair
I am a native Floridian who was diagnosed with mosaic Turner syndrome (TS) at age 13. When I was diagnosed, due to cultural expectations,...
Our Community Understands and Will Fill You with More Hope Than Fear - by Molly Cardosi
“She has Turner syndrome - What is That?” Technically, it is a condition that results when one of the X chromosomes is missing or...