
Writing is My Biggest Passion - by Haylee Christ
Hello! My name is Haylee, and this is my TS story! I am so grateful to be able to share it with you, and I pray that it can be a source...

Turn Your "I Cant's" into "I Can's"! - by Holly Keefe
It wasn’t until around my early teen years of 15 that my parents noticed I had neither grown nor started my period. Thanks to my mom, who...

My Mom is My Biggest Inspiration - by Daisy Araujo
This is me. My name is Daisy; I’m 33 years old. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at 5 years old. My pediatrician at the time...

Building Lasting Friendships: Social Skills for Individuals with Turner Syndrome and Nonverbal Learning Differences
by Becky Brown Friendships play a vital role in our well-being, offering support, companionship, and joy. However, for individuals with...

Autonomy Allowed Me to Imagine a Successful and Happy Adulthood - by Claire Harper
The support I received from my parents and my medical care providers when I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) changed my life. This...

I am Turner Strong! - by LaShelle Jennings
So this is 52! My name is LaShelle Jennings and today is my birthday! Here’s My TS Story. I was born in west Texas (small town outside of...

A New Diagnosis Can Be Isolating - by Elizabeth Dabrowski, MD, TSSUS Board Member
I have always loved children and advocating for the health of all children and the best possible medical care for everyone has become a...

Understanding Social Challenges in Turner Syndrome: Navigating Friendships and Connection
by Becky Brown Turner syndrome (TS) is a genetic condition that affects females and is caused by the complete or partial absence of one X...

Life is Better with Butterfly Friends! - by Stephanie Guy
She’s a Butterfly. Hello! My name is Stephanie, and I am a 44-year-old wife and mother who was diagnosed with classic Turner syndrome...

Turner Syndrome is a Learning Curve - by Jessica Carlough
Hi, everyone. My name is Jessica. I’m 33 and was diagnosed with classic Turner syndrome via amniocentesis in utero at around 20 weeks...