
TSSUS is Like Family, and the Conference is Like Home - by Erica Melman
My name is Erica, and wow! Do I have a story for you about the TSSUS conferences. My first conference was back in 2011 in Buffalo, New...

This Girl Amazes Me! by Olivia Brambila's Grandmother
This story is about my granddaughter, Olivia, who turned 13 in December of last year. Olivia was born to my 15-year-old teen daughter in...

Do The Best You Can With What You Have! by Ariel Moreno
Hello everyone! My name is Ariel and I would love to share my story with you, I was born in August of 2001. My mother had no idea I was...

Getting The Most Out Of This Short Life - by Andrea Pflughoeft
February has a lot of meaning to me and always has. Not only do my boyfriend and I both celebrate our birthdays this month, but it’s also...

I'm a Registered Nurse, and I Didn't Even Catch It! - by Danielle Smith, TSSUS Board Member
As a registered nurse, patient advocate, and mother of a daughter (Isabella, 24) diagnosed with TS as an infant, I know firsthand how...

Diagnosed with TS a Year After My Wedding by Sol Ramirez-Rios
Hi, my name is Sol, and I am 37 years old. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at the age of 24. I met my now-husband at the age of...

TSSUS has Given Me the Best Friends Ever! by Katlin Verdin
Hello! My name is Katlin Verdin, and I’m a 22 year old woman who was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at 9 years old . I currently...

I've Always Found a Way by Abby Edgar
Hello, my name is Abby Edgar, and I am 43 years old. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) when I was 15. I am the Head Athletic...

I Entered the World Happy and Healthy by Kenzie Boldt
Hello! My name is Kenzie. I’m 13 years old, and I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) when I was 3 days old. I love singing, reading,...

I Felt a Sense of Community - by Jeanna Lee, TSSUS Board Chair
I am a native Floridian who was diagnosed with mosaic Turner syndrome (TS) at age 13. When I was diagnosed, due to cultural expectations,...