God Has a Plan for You - by Chrissi Baldridge
God has a plan. We were never promised this life would be easy and man if it does not seem if some of us get the extra helping of...
Learning to Love Myself - by Ontrinette Franklin
Hi everyone, my name is Ontrinette Franklin and I'm from Georgia. I entered foster care when I was around 3 years old. I've been in four...
Persistence and Self-Advocacy Allows Me to Serve in the Peace Corps in Africa - by Michaela Wolfinger
I’m currently serving in the Peace Corps with Turner syndrome (TS). There are many reasons why I decided to serve, including the...
She Battled with Faith, Fire, and Grace - Cassandra Mae "Cassie" Garrett, by her sister, Jennifer Jones
Cassandra Mae "Cassie Garrett, February 2, 1986 - December 20, 2020 Cassandra “Cassie” Mae Garrett was born February 2, 1986. She grew up...
I Grew Up Always Knowing . . . by Samantha Mosher
I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) at two weeks old. The doctor noticed my hands and feet were puffy from edema and ordered a...
I Think of Myself as Lucky by Emilija Sipaviciute
Ok, get ready because I’m basically going to share my entire life story. There’s so much I want to say, I don’t even know where to begin!...
I’m a Blessed Adoptive Mother of Four by Marianne Parrish
I had never heard of Turner syndrome (TS) until I was diagnosed at age 17 with the mosaic version. I had already broken five bones at...
My Daughter and I Both Have Turner Syndrome - by Gia Bugni
The first thing a young uncle said when he saw me as a newborn was, "She has big ears." I grew up pretty "normal", but only reached a...
LIfe Is So Terrific Now - by Cindy Koeppel
It’s hard to get some good vibes down, because it wasn't always perfect in life back then. I’m the third child of parents who both came...
There is Hope - by Krystle Smith
My name is Krystle. I’m 37 years old. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) at 9 months old. At 12, I was diagnosed with Turner...