TSSUS is the largest organization – worldwide – supporting the Turner syndrome community.
The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States: Advancing knowledge, facilitating research, and supporting all those touched by Turner syndrome.

Individuals & Families
Turner Syndrome
One of the primary goals of TSSUS is to provide comprehensive, quality resources that educate and support the TS community. Many people visit our website after receiving a new prenatal, early childhood, teen, or even adult Turner syndrome diagnosis. Whether you are a new visitor or a long-time member, we hope you will find the information you need to make informed decisions about your own or your child's health and care.
The most popular resources are listed below and others are within related topic pages throughout the website. Please contact us if you are unable to find what you are looking for at 800-365-9944, or email info@turnersyndrome.org.

Participate in TS Research: Join over 1000 others who joined the Turner Syndrome Research Registry- link to registry
If the information on our site is helpful, please donate in appreciation.
Not finding what you are looking for, let us know. Link to contact us.