The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States: Advancing knowledge, facilitating research, and supporting all those touched by Turner syndrome.
TSSUS is the largest organization – worldwide – supporting the Turner syndrome community.

Introducing the TSSUS Legacy Society for Planned and Major Giving

The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States is proud to introduce the TSSUS Legacy Society. The Legacy Society is a way for TSSUS to honor those of you who have or will embrace legacy giving by naming TSSUS in your last will and testament and/or naming TSSUS as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement account. The TSSUS Legacy Society also includes those donors who make Major Gifts to TSSUS.
What Is a Legacy Gift or Planned Gift? A legacy gift is a gift to TSSUS in your last will and testament. It can be a piece of property, cash, life insurance, retirement fund, or a percentage of your estate. Legacy gifts have begun to play a key role in supporting TSSUS, yet many people don’t know they are an option, how they are paid out, or the tax benefits of these gifts.* A gift that you’ve planned in your will is considered a planned gift or legacy gift.
What is a Major Gift? Each nonprofit organization sets their own definition for a “major gift”. For TSSUS, a major gift is any single gift of $1,000 or greater, and a major donor is defined as anyone who has donated a single gift of $1,000 or greater within the last year.
How Do I Leave a Legacy Gift?
Charitable Bequests in Your Will. Legacy gifts (charitable bequests) can be given in two ways. First, you can leave a lump-sum cash amount to TSSUS. These gifts are given separately when you pass away and are not included in your residual estate (everything that’s left after debts/taxes are paid and specific gifts are distributed). You may leave a percentage of your residual (remaining) estate to TSSUS. While a cash charitable gift will remain constant over time, a percentage of your residual estate can grow over time, resulting in a higher potential gift.
Gifts from Beneficiary Designation. (Life Insurance & Retirement Accounts) Many people choose to leave a gift to charity by beneficiary designation. You can name TSSUS as the beneficiary of your life insurance policies or unused retirement assets. These can include individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 401(k)s, 403(b)s, or pensions. A gift to TSSUS through a beneficiary designation may be the most advantageous gift you can make. This allows you to transform your IRA into a legacy of giving. IRA owners are eligible to donate up to $105,000 in tax-free gifts to charity. Because these gifts are often larger than what you might be able to give in your lifetime, they can significantly impact TSSUS. These types of planned gifts are a good option if you have paid-up policies or retirement accounts that you will not use. If you have a large estate, gifting retirement accounts and life insurance policies can help your heirs avoid income and estate taxes.*
What Are the Benefits of Leaving a Legacy Gift? People often worry that leaving a legacy gift means there will be less to give to their loved ones. The truth is you can make a legacy gift without taking away from the gifts left to your family and friends. Gifts made through bequests or life insurance policies are generally deductible from your estate taxes. This means your estate’s taxable value is reduced by the amount of your charitable gifts, potentially resulting in a lower estate tax liability. Legacy giving helps you maximize your philanthropic impact and minimize taxes.*
Leave A Lasting Legacy Aside from tax incentives, there are many other reasons to leave a legacy gift. Legacy giving is a way to leave a lasting legacy of generosity and make a cause you care about an important part of your life story. Your gift might also cause others to think about their own philanthropic goals and inspire them to give back as well. While legacy giving makes it possible to leave much larger gifts than otherwise feasible, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to be wealthy to leave a legacy gift. You can leave as much or as little as you want - there is no gift too small to make an impact on future generations. It only takes a few minutes to leave a gift in your will to TSSUS, but it creates a legacy that lives on forever. In terms of how your legacy gift benefits TSSUS, they are often unexpected. Legacy gifts are dramatically impactful to TSSUS and help us invest in expanding our programs and services more quickly and efficiently.
Leaving a legacy gift is quite simple. When you make your will, you simply include a statement like “I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (EIN 41-1596910) [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its charitable purposes, including but not limited to general use and purpose.”Leaving charitable bequests in a will and gifts from beneficiary designation are the most popular way for donors to make planned gifts. Yet, they’re far from the only way. From simple gifts to complex trusts, there are many different types of planned gifts you can discuss with your financial planner.
How Do I Make a Major Gift? If you would like to become a part of the TSSUS Legacy Society with a major gift, simply donate online or by check to the address below.
We Want to Hear from You Have you left us in your future plans? Please let us know! We would love to thank and honor you today.If you would like more information on legacy and major giving, or would like to become a part of the TSSUS Legacy Society, please contact Becky Brown, TSSUS National Director of Development & Communications at: becky@turnersyndrome.org or 800-365-9944.
* Always consult your CPA or financial advisors on tax-related questions.

Legacy Donors
Constance A. Netter 2024 $180,000
Cynthia M. Fitzgerald 2024 $10,000
Dorothy Baume 2024 $5,000
The Deborah L. Shoup Trust 2023 $225,000
Donald E. Larson 2023 $138,102
The Burke Foundation, in memory of David Braun honoring
Sarah T. Braun 2023 $100,000
Natalie Marie Brobin 2022 $59,000
The Carolyn Ann Bondy Trust 2017 $10,000