TSSUS is the largest organization – worldwide – supporting the Turner syndrome community.
The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States: Advancing knowledge, facilitating research, and supporting all those touched by Turner syndrome.
Become a Member

A big part of our mission is to educate everyone touched by Turner syndrome (TS). Toward that end we provide this open website where anyone can access information about TS. Members are the foundation of the mission to educate, facilitate research and build a community of care. Thank you if you are already a member.
Which Membership Level is Right for You?

Individual Membership $45/year:
A TSSUS member packet including popular publications (mailed upon request)
The TSS Connect monthly newsletter (emailed)
One individual receives a member discount on the TSSUS national conference registration, some online events and store items.
A ballot to vote for the member at large positions for the TSSUS board of directors
Family Membership $65/year:
Up to 5 people within one household receive: (Mailed upon request)
A TSSUS member packet including the Teen Guide to TS
Same as Individual membership, emailed to maximum of 3 family members
Same as Individual membership special discounts on conference registration, and some online events and store items
Same as Individual membership voting rights for TSSUS leadership

Professional Membership $75/year:
Support your professional needs with:
Same as Individual membership New Member packet in the mail (upon request) with hard copies of our most popular publications
Discounts on bulk orders of the Turner Syndrome Clinical Practice Guidelines
Billing options for purchase orders if necessary
Same as Individual membership, our quarterly newsletter the TSS Connect (emailed)
One listing of your practice or clinic in the TS Professional Directory if applicable (online)
Same as Individual benefit special discounts on conference registration, some online events and store items
Same as Individual membership voting rights for TSSUS leadership
Opportunities to participate in the Professional Advisory Board, Scientific Advisory Board, and speak at TSSUS events
Priority attention for your research needs if applicable
Butterfly Society Monthly Donor Members:
One individual membership or upgrade to a family membership for $20.
The TSSUS Butterfly Society is the exclusive monthly giving program of the Turner Syndrome Society of the United States. For more information about the Butterfly Society click here http://www.turnersyndrome.org/butterfly-society
If you are interested in joining or becoming more involved, please contact our office at 800-365-9944 or email info@turnersyndrome.org.