TSSUS is the largest organization – worldwide – supporting the Turner syndrome community.
The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States: Advancing knowledge, facilitating research, and supporting all those touched by Turner syndrome.

Medical Professionals

If you have difficulty finding information on the care and management of Turner syndrome, please contact our office. We work closely with TS specialists who are happy to share their knowledge with you or to learn alongside you.
We have volunteers available by topic and location. Please also encourage your patients to contact us at 800-365-9944 – or email: Info@TurnerSyndrome.org – and we will be happy to help them.
Patient and family resources such as the TS Clinical Practice Guidelines for individuals and families and the TS Guide for Families are available in bulk quantities and rates for professionals and TSSUS Professional Members receive an additional discount. Downloads are free of charge.

Become a Professional Member and get discounts on TS Publications for your Patients- link to membership
Learn more from a TS expert or join a professional advisory board or request that we list your practice in our online Provider Directory.
We have excellent programs to support your patients, please let them know about us.