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I Wouldn't Change Things if I Could

My name is Holly, and I’m a 22 year old college student. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome at 18 months old. The first time I met another person with TS, I was twelve and had just moved away from my hometown.

I went to a Turner Syndrome Society of the United States (TSSUS) National Conference for the first time, and found myself overwhelmed with the number of people surrounding me that were just like me. Seeing that I was not alone, and that there were so many other girls my age who were experiencing the same things I was, with the same worries and concerns, made everything so much easier. I knew I could reach out to these new friends I had made when I needed support, and they’d know exactly what I was going through.

I have also gotten the opportunity to get involved with my local TSSUS Resource Group and help volunteer at TS events. I’m lucky to get to meet a lot of people with TS and their families because of this. One of the most important lessons I’ve taken away from having Turner syndrome is that none of us should ever be underestimated.

Of course, some things may be challenging for us, but as many of our friends and family members know, people with TS are motivated, dedicated and driven to achieve what we put our minds to. I am extremely impressed and proud to see the things people in the TS community accomplish and overcome. We sometimes have to work a little harder to get people to take us seriously and listen to what we have to say, but in the end, this makes us stronger and surer of what we have to say. As I said, never underestimate us.

Statistics may predict that someone with TS will have difficulties socially, struggle with math, and that their brain may function a little differently than others. But those expectations don’t have to limit us. I have met some brilliant scientists with TS that use math every day. We are more than statistics, and more than expectations put on us. Because often, people with Turner syndrome exceed those expectations and work incredibly hard towards their goals.

I know now that I wouldn’t change things if I could, since having TS has made me a much stronger person, and has brought incredible people into my life that I wouldn’t know otherwise.


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The Turner Syndrome Society's mission is to advance knowledge, facilitate research, and support all those touched by Turner syndrome.

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