A Flood of Emotions - by Sarah Bauer, TSSUS Board Chair-Elect

My name is Sarah Bauer and I am a mother to an 11 year old girl with Mosaic Ring Turner Syndrome. My journey to serve on the TSSUS Board of Directors started a lot like other parents/loved ones with TS.
After her initial diagnosis at age 2, along came a flood of emotions and questions. Naturally, our family took to the internet to research it all but found peace and guidance landing on the TSSUS website and attending our first conference in 2016. We learned quickly that between our own research, the guidance of the TSSUS, her medical Endocrine Team and the friendships we made through the conference and other social networks, that the community is what allows her and our family to thrive.
I am grateful for the opportunities TSSUS has created for my daughter to learn, meet friends with TS, teach me how to care for and have critical conversations with her along the way. Most importantly TSSUS has given me the knowledge to empower her to take ownership of her health and diagnosis at a young age so she can thrive into her teen and adulthood years. My mission is to give back to the TSSUS community and encourage all parents/caregivers to get involved and involve their loved one with TS as soon as possible.