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I Survived Aoartic Disection - by Lauren Liska

Hi! I'm Lauren and I have Turner syndrome (TS). Growing up, doctors found early on that I had a bicuspid aortic valve and was small for my age. My heart was monitored often and seemed to be pretty stable.

At the age of 12, I got the diagnoses of TS and took growth hormone for 4 years. I ended up growing about 6 inches. Later in my teen years, I developed hypothyroidism. Medication manages that fairly well, but I have my ups and downs. Another medication I was taking after growth hormone was hormone replacement therapy (HRT). That helped with the hot flashes and regulating my mood.

For a while, things were going smoothly, until in 2020 when I ended up having an aortic dissection. In the early morning hours, I was woken up by a very strange and intense pain in my throat. The pain traveled down my chest to my abdomen and felt like a pulse or a rip. I called and got emergency help and, thankfully, doctors were able to save my life.

Since then, I have come a long way and have heard stories from other survivors. Yes, there are challenges each day with Turners syndrome and aortic dissection, but each day is also a unique and beautiful gift I am grateful for.

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The Turner Syndrome Society's mission is to advance knowledge, facilitate research, and support all those touched by Turner syndrome.

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