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I've Always Found a Way by Abby Edgar

Hello, my name is Abby Edgar, and I am 43 years old. I was diagnosed with Turner syndrome (TS) when I was 15. I am the Head Athletic Trainer at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, MN. I enjoy exercising, sports, reading, spending time with my husband and 15-year-old son, and our pet dog.

I am so proud that I didn’t let my dream of being a mother go when I was told I wouldn’t d able to have a child. I knew with all my heart I wanted to be a mother. My husband and I looked into our options and decided to use an egg donor. With the use of a donor egg and IVF I was able to have my rainbow baby. The pregnancy and birth were strenuous on both me and my son. He was born a month early, but only had to spend a week in the NICU. I can’t imagine my life without him.

My mom has been my biggest inspiration as well as my biggest supporter. She took me to all my appointments that led up to my diagnosis, and then to all the appointments after I was diagnosed until I went to college. My parents, especially my mom, would not let me feel sorry for myself or use my diagnosis as an excuse. She inspired and encouraged me to follow my dreams and accomplish whatever I wanted to in life. I continue to be that inspiration to my son and to all the young women I have, am, and will work with.

I have had to overcome both physical and intellectual challenges. My small stature has been a challenge, but I did not let it stop me from doing what I wanted to do. I got teased in middle school and high school for my size and I used that as motivation to build myself up. I realized they were teasing to make themselves feel better, but I wasn’t going to give them that satisfaction. I have always found a way to do whatever I need to for myself and not have to ask for help due to my size.

Academically I had to work harder in certain subjects (particularly math and science), but I was not going to let Turner syndrome stop me. I had to spend extra time and hard work with these subjects, but it lead me to getting my Master’s Degree and working at an institution of higher learner for 20 years. I only hope that my experience and support can help others achieve their dreams and a successful life.


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