LIfe Is So Terrific Now - by Cindy Koeppel

It’s hard to get some good vibes down, because it wasn't always perfect in life back then. I’m the third child of parents who both came from large families. There where two older brothers, then me, two more brothers, two more sisters, and finally, another brother.
Folks didn’t treat me any differently from the rest of my siblings. I had never even heard of T.S until I was 12 and doctors talked of growth hormones shots. I developed hearing problems. My mother only mentioned I would never get pregnant once. She had it in her that she caused me to lose most of my hearing. I had to explain to her that most of us TS sisters have this; it just happens. I did go through school being teased about wearing hearing aids. Not many people knew about my condition.
With luck, I made it out of high school and had a few babysitting jobs until I finally got the courage to get a driver’s license. Then I had two part jobs, which I held down for 16 years.
In 2013 after I got tired of having pain in my hips, I had them replaced and recovered nicely. Later, a wonderful man came back into my life. I met him at the post office where I worked. He cleaned the windows. We remained friends. Then he stopped by my house to visit. We went to coffee, where he asked if he could take me out for his birthday. It is a whirlwind courtship. We secretly got engaged. I shared with him before that I couldn't give him a little girl he wanted. It didn’t matter. I am a stepmother to three sons. We just celebrated our two year anniversary. I never had a chance before, but life is so terrific now.