TSSUS is the largest organization – worldwide – supporting the Turner syndrome community.
The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States: Advancing knowledge, facilitating research, and supporting all those touched by Turner syndrome.


The Turner Syndrome Society United States (TSSUS) is dependent on the time and talents of our amazing volunteers. When someone reaches out to TSSUS, our mission is to connect them with the best resource, which is often someone just like you. Additionally, we are always looking for people willing to support TSSUS directly.
Subscribe to eNewsletters for continual volunteer opportunities. We understand most people have limited time; therefore we offer many opportunities that have varying commitments. Thank you for considering joining our team!

Please contact our office at 800-365-9944 or email info@turnersyndrome.org. We will be glad to answer your questions or connect you with a volunteer.
Leadership Opportunities
Become a Support Group Leader
Apply for a position as a TSSUS Board Member
Service Opportunities
Contribute time to coordinate a local event
Contribute time to volunteer for the TSSUS conference
Spend time helping at the national office
(if you are in the Houston area) -
Share your personal experiences and encourage others on specific topics, such as growth hormone therapy, relationships, IVF, adoption and employment.
Create Awareness
Host a Chasing Butterflies Walk
Share your story by speaking at an event such as a medical school
Set up an information table at a library, community center,
or other event -
Wear/carry items with the TSSUS logo from the
TSSUS Butterfly store -
Create awareness by sharing TSSUS posts through social media
Creative Opportunities
Write an article for the TSSUS Newsletter
Write a Story about an experience related to TS
Be a photographer at a local event or walk
Identify errors on the TSSUS website